Quadrant Resource is Now WBENC Certified Women Owned Business Enterprise

WBENC certified


May 9, 2019, Washington, Quadrant Resource has been recognized as Women owned Business Enterprise (Certificate No WBE1700896) with its founders being three women Shilpa Paluri, Venkata Jyothi Gangipamula and Susmita Boddi Reddi on May 9, 2017.

he mission of Women’s Business Enterprise Council – Pacific is to drive economic growth, development, and access for women business enterprises in a global marketplace by collaborating with our constituents on Certification, Opportunities, Resources, and Engagement (C.O.R.E.). Women’s Business Enterprise Council – Pacific (WBEC-Pacific), formally known as Astra Women’s Business Alliance, is a Regional Partner Organization of the Women’s Business Enterprise National Council (WBENC) operating in a six-state region: Alaska, Northern California, Idaho, Montana, Oregon, and Washington.

About WBENC: WBENC certification is the most trusted, recognized and accepted certification in the U.S. Through WBEC-Pacific, WBENC certification is accessible to all qualified women business owners in the region.

Along with certification, WBEC-Pacific provides events and educational programs that help create opportunities for women business owners looking to build their business knowledge, their networks, and grow their businesses through contracts with large corporations, government agencies, and other women business enterprises (WBEs). Participation in WBEC-Pacific events can take 18 months off the WBE sales cycle by meeting decision makers who provide access to their supply chain buyers.

For corporate members, WBEC-Pacific is a powerful partner that is uniquely positioned to provide introductions to qualified suppliers that offer global supply chain solutions.

About Quadrant Resource : Quadrant Resource is one of the fastest growing IT services company in northwest America rec. by INC 5000 2019(Ranked #183 and #4 in Seattle and Washington. Quadrant Resource that’s been around since 2004, is headquartered in Redmond, WA offer cost-effective IT Solutions such as Cloud Computing, Data Analytics, Agile and DevOps, Strategic Resourcing, Quality assurance, Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, etc. They have worked with top Leading Enterprise and Technology clients like Microsoft, Amazon, Ericsson, Nike, eBay, PSE, King County, East west Bank and many more and is official Microsoft Gold channel partners.

We have expert consultants with average 16+ years of experience. Dedicated local account managers & focused local talent managers, continuous training, brown bag sessions, certification & peer reviews are major success factors of the company. We present flexible engagement models to focus around your key business objectives and on-demand sourcing needs at a reasonable price.

Website www.quadrantresource.com

Headquarters Redmond, USA

Year founded 2004

Company type Private Limited

Company size 200+ employees